Monday, November 28, 2011


Today, I'm thankful it's Monday.
Monday means I can sleep in til 7 am.
Monday means I'm off for the next 5 days.
Monday means it's trash day (bugs me when I have a pile of trash in my garage).
Monday means I can stay in my pj's all day long if I wanted.
Monday means I can stay in bed and snuggle with Cee Cee.
Monday means I can watch any movies or television programs I want.
Monday means I can clean all day long (I really love cleaning-looking into opening a maid service).
Monday means I get to do all of my laundry (love doing it, but hate matching socks!)
On this Monday, I went and scored a new electronic device for our living room, slow danced with Cee Cee in the kitchen to the song, I'll Stand By You, by Carrie Underwood, picked up the boys from school and went and visited hubby at the fire station.
I love my Mondays!

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