Thursday, October 27, 2011

happiness in the kitchen

We are a family that dances in the kitchen. It's almost a nightly ritual where we can let loose and allow our emotions to come out. No matter how stressful my day can get, as long as I am jamming out and dancing with the FAM,I know I am a lucky girl.
I snapped these weird, yet beautiful, pictures of my Cee Cee dancing the other day. I realize they might not be anything to anyone else who reads my blog, but when I look at them, my heart swells with happiness and I realize how truly blessed I am to have my family!

Lately, we can be found dancing silly to the song "Pumped Up Kicks".....which is a horrible song (look it up), but has catchy lyrics and a good beat.

1 comment:

The Schmidt Family said...

Hey, I read your blog! I am a blog-stocker! I love the dancing!!