Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Caroline at 10 months

Caroline went for her long over due 9 month check up today, so I guess I should call it her 10 month check up. She did not need any shots, so it was just a check up to make sure she was growing okay and that she was healthy. She did have to have blood drawn though, which she was really upset about. She is still pretty low on the charts with her weight, but the doctor said she will see what her weight is at 12 months. Given that she is a girl and she is very active, her weight might just be okay. I am just happy she is still on the charts!

A look at Caroline at 10 months:

Weight: 16 lb 2.4 oz (2 %)
Length: 2 ft. 3.5 in (22 %)
Head Size: 43.5 cm (19 %)


Angie said...

These pictures are adorable. Looks like you're finally getting a chance to enjoy your new camera. Who cares if she is little on the charts. All that matters is that she's healthy and happy. :)

Angie said...

We'll be at the beach for two more weeks. I'm a little worried it may be two weeks too long. It's hard being away from home. But hopefully, my mom is going to have a few days off and we'll actually get to go do some things together. It's hard when she works nights and needs to sleep all morning. We left town to let Mike devote all of his time to study and work. Hopefully it will pay off! Hope all is well. Hugs, A