Saturday, March 8, 2008

about pictures

I saw this on Lynette's blog and thought I would take a whack at it. You're supposed to answer the following questions by using Google Image Search. So here is a little information about pictures.

Favorite Color:

Favorite Animal:

A Bad Habit:

Favorite Food:

Favorite Object:

Town You Live In:

Your Name:

Favorite Song:

Your Job:

Favorite Author:

A Place You Would Like To Travel:

Favorite Dessert:

Well, that is a little about me. I would love to see and hear about everyone else out there!


Ammon said...

I'm so glad you decided to take a whack at this!
It was fun to see all your pics!

Angie said...

I love Chick-fil-a. We need to have a date and take out kids there for lunch. Yummy!

PS, I also love the first picture.