Monday, May 14, 2012

Why my Mom Should Win the Prize.... sweet Cameron.  He cracks me up.  Apparently, all of the 4th graders wrote stories about their moms in hopes of winning a gift card to a local steakhouse. I had to laugh when Cameron showed me his letter on why his mom should win. I'm telling you, this kid is such a HOOT! After reading the story, I asked him why he made us sound so "poor" or "in need of money"?
Cameron's response was, "you gotta do it like that, so you can win MOM!!"
Here is his paper (grammar & all)
Why my Mom Should Win the Prize...
I would want my mom to win because she is super nice. She is super pretty.  She works hard to take care of me. We don't have a lot of money but we can hold on.  She always trys, trys, and trys, and trys to take a lot of care of all of us.  She works and works, works and works for us. She told us every morning she wakes up and she thinks what can I do to help us and I hope we have a good day.  She never gives up. She buys us food to keep us healthy and alive.  I'm trying to do a lot of stuff to make money for us. We are all trying to chip in to help and we all really love her so that's why I would want my mom to win the prize and I hope it's something that will keep us healthy and alive

By: Cameron Youngblood
4th grade, age 9
Flowers from Cameron's teacher....too sweet!
I'm so proud to be his M-O-M!