Wednesday, February 8, 2012

sports gear

We recently discovered that we have been over paying for sports equipment! Our new place to stock up on sports gear is Play It Again Sports in Sugarland. This place seriously rocks!!! You can get really good sports gear for half the price or even less than half. The other day we went and bought the following:
1. Catcher's helmet
2. Catcher's knee pads for Cameron
3. Catcher's chest protector for Cameron
4. Catcher's knee pads for Jake
5. Catcher's chest protector for Jake
6. Red padded football pants for Jake
7. White padded football pants for Cameron
8. Weighted medicine ball for Dusty and I (yeah, one day we will use it!)

All of this cost us $80 bucks!!!! This is a steal, considering the Catcher's Helmet & 1 set of knee pads that we returned to Sports Authority rang up for $110 bucks!
We ended up giving the difference of the cash to the kids and they were so thrilled.

Cameron in his new catchers helmet:

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