Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Just call me lazy mazy today!!! I got up this morning with a lot of motivation to accomplish my long list of tasks, but somewhere between the hustle of getting the kids dressed, fed and out the door I became lazy. It looks like it is going to rain today, which makes me want to cuddle up on the couch and enjoy a good movie. However, my TV watching partner is at work. I wish he could of used a sick day today. Can you use a "sick" day because your wife has a slight headache and just wants to snuggle on the couch and eat Cheetos and grilled cheese sandwiches? Is it a bad thing when you have Cheetos and a grilled cheese sandwich for breakfast?
So, yes I am being lazy today. I skipped the gym today to stay at home and blog stalk, procrastinate on my homework, and watch HGTV.
I don't have a picture to show my laziness today, but I did find this one on the Internet. If you know anything about me this is totally me!!!! If I could me an animal, I would be a bear!! Why you may wonder???? Because I love to sleep and I would love to hibernate!!!!!

hope everyone has a nice day

1 comment:

Sada said...

you go girl! Some times you need that! I've been so tired lately. I'd love a day to myself to lay on the couch and sleep.