Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Goals for Today

My goals for today are the following:

1. Wash ALL of the laundry
2. Fold ALL of the laundry
3. Put away ALL of the laundry
4. Clean every bedroom in the house
5. Scrub the bathrooms
6. Mop the living room and kitchen floors
7. Pay bills
8. Shred misc. mail
9. Go through the kids stuff and get rid of clothing that is too small

And if time, mow the grass.

I figure if I write out 'MY TO DO LIST', I might just get it done.
Here's to cleaning ladies! Have a great day.


Melissa Romanowski said...

You had a big day planned...So, how much of that list did you accomplish? I love the new look of your blog. Where did you find the background?

The Youngblood Family said...

Hey, the background is FREE!!! Click the link up in the left hand corner of my blog. They have some cute ones. I am glad you like it. I was a little unsure, because I was afraid it looked too busy? And on to my list.... I just need to mow the yard. I guess if I let the world of bloggers know my goals, I might just accomplish them. Okay, so my next goal is TO FINISH MY TEACHING DEGREE!!!!! LOL :)